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Palestine Red Crescent Society Between Present and Future{A view from Al Amal City, Khan Younis}

On Tuesday 30th June, Dr.Wael Mikkey, the Director of PRCS Al Amal Hospital, conducted a workshop for twenty [20] employees of Al Amal City [directors of different departments and sections], which was held at the Capacity Development Faculty.

This workshop is the first of a series of workshops that was organized by Al-Amal’s City Administrative Committee in cooperation with the Faculty’s Continuing Education Department. The workshop discussed concepts of strategic planning, where Dr. Wael gave an overview of relevant concepts, stressing the importance of this issue with the often cited phrase "to fail to plan is to plan to fail".

Dr. Wael asked the group to think about our current situation and to consider available resources at Al Amal City. He also asked them to analyze where we are and where we need to be. Dr. Wael referred to the SWOT analysis as he encouraged the group to brainstorm about the subject.

Participants cherished the opportunity in which they shared mutual knowledge and ideas. They all agreed that we are facing troubled times and it is necessary to study the existing situation so as to work together to upgrade service quality and capacity of PRCS Al Amal City service within the principles of the International Movement of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent.

Other Workshops will be planned consequently.